José van Campen
José van Campen graduated in 1990 as a planner at the University of Amsterdam and has worked at various organizations that research and promote spatial quality. In 2005 she started Woord en Plaats, an office for research and advice in the field of spatial quality policy. She is one of the initiators of Mooiwaarts, a ‘bottom-up’ initiative that has succeeded in including good spatial and environment quality as an objective in the new Dutch Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet). She is project leader of several national guides for spatial quality innovation in policy and practice. In 2017 she started her PhD at TU Delft. Her research focusses on the influence of spatial quality teams and advisory committees from a planning perspective.
Relevant education and work experience
- 2017-present: PhD Q-factor, TU-Delft, Urbanism
- 2005-present: independent planner, Woord en Plaats
- 1999-2005: policy officer and deputy director, Stichting Welstandszorg Noord-Holland
- 1993-1999: project leader, Architectuur Lokaal
- 1990-1993: researcher, Bureau Middelkoop/De Lijn
- 1985-1990: study planning, Universiteit van Amsterdam, graduated cum laude
Relevant projects
- 2019-present: project leader of the national Manual for spatial quality advisory practices under the Environment and Planning Act, commissioned by the Association of Netherlands Municipalities, the national Cultural Heritage Agency and the Federation of Spatial Quality.
- 2018-present: advisor to several municipalities on innovation in spatial quality policy and spatial quality advisory practices.
- 2018-present: research “Perceptions of design performance”, for the Design and Government program (Spatial Design Action Agenda 2017-2020), commissioned by TU Delft.
- 2016 coordinator of OVERMOOI, a festival about the quality of the living environment in the province of North Holland.
- 2015-2017: project leader of OOK (Omgevingsplan Op Kwaliteit), a research on the possibilities of spatial quality tools in the Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet)
- 2012-2014 Empirical research, Q-factor, ruimtelijke kwaliteitsteams in Nederland (q-teams in the Netherlands).
Relevant publications
- Van Campen, J. and Mulder, W. (2020). Handreiking adviesstelsel voor omgevingskwaliteit (guide for the spatial quality advisory system), Deel 1. Den Haag/Amersfoort/Amsterdam: Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Federatie Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit.
- Van Assen, S., Van Campen, J., Zonneveld, W.A.M. (2019). Schoonheid is geen variabele. Blauwe Kamer, 2019#2, 60-63.
- Van Campen, J. (2018). Omgevingskwaliteit en ruimte, herziene 2e Amsterdam: Berghauser Pont.
- Van Campen, J. (2017). 10 Over Mooi. Alkmaar: MOOI Noord-Holland (Meta-essay about the Festival about the quality of the living environment in the province of Noord-Holland).
- Van Campen, J. (editor) (2017). Schetsboek voor een omgevingsplan op kwaliteit. Amsterdam: Mooiwaarts/FRK. (exploratory research concerning the effects of the new legislation on spatial quality in the land use plan).
- Van Campen (editor), J. (2015), Assen, S. van, et al., Foar in moai Fryslân, zes jaar Team Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit. (For a beautiful Fryslân, the results of six years q-team Fryslân). Leeuwarden: Provincie Fryslân.
- Van Assen, S., & Campen J. v. (2014), Q-factor, ruimtelijke kwaliteitsteams in Nederland. Wageningen: Uitgeverij Blauwdruk.